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vonjon | 18:49 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers

whose poems contain these lines

1. he only lives, who deadly is in love

2. rich in themselves, to whom we cannot add

3. we see into the life of change

4. that he is old and she a shade

5. you are not very old

thank you



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if number one should read:  he only lives THAT deadly is in love,

my offer is: So well I love thee, by Michael Drayton

4.  Dirce by Walter Savage Landor,Dirce%20in%20one%20boat%20conveyed!&text=That%20he%20is%20old%20and%20she%20a%20shade.

re. 3 there's a poem that has "we see into the life of things" ???

(see page 17)

Question Author

thank you TheWinner i have looked on page 17 for Q2 but i cannot see the line Rich in themselves, to whom we cannot add

but thanks for answering the others 

sorry, its a bit confusing. . .

page 17 on the LEFT HAND page,

page 29 on the RIGHT HAND page

Question Author

yes i see it now on page 29 thank you again 😁

you're welcome. I thought I'd linked to the correct page, but obviously not. Sorry for the confusion. Good luck.

and as I think there is a mistake in the clue for number one, check the wording for number 3. 

Question Author

thank you TheWinner i think its a typing error because i could only find poem the same as you for number 3. so i am going with your answer

Ok, good luck!

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