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Benfieldside Quiz

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hops | 12:47 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
73 Answers

this is a quiz raising money for sick children and copies of the quiz can be had from benfieldside, 13 mere drive, pity me, durham dh1 5dd

there are 75 questions on general knowledge, in plain

sight,anagrams and extremely cryptic

i have managed to answer 63 of the questions but have been stuck now for over a week and would appreciate help with the remainder

the questions are all on naming the coastal resorts of great  britain

[1] monarch tube      [8 letters]

[2] in reverse take a curved shape, a senior barrister and a clerical vestment       [9 letters]

[3]he's a long way from wimbledon

[4] 49 amongst one of the deadly sins

any help would be appreciated




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Is there a letter count for the final two?

2 is LOOP KC and ALB which gives Blackpool when reversed 

Question Author

question 3 has 9 letters and question 4 has 7 letters

3 Tobermory (Womble)?

I was about to suggest Tobermory. 

Is there a clue 49?

If not the 49 could be IL

the sins are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath,  sloth


4. Silloth

Question Author

thanks all, that leaves no [1] monarch tube [8 letters]

1 suggests Victoria to me (monarch and name of tube line), but it's not a coastal resort in GB


Best so far, douglas. I looked for a kinghose but found nothing.

Question Author

the penultimate 4 are

[1] flower ends here      [9 letters]

[2] water holes              [ 5 letters]

[3]  fishing community of small cottages   [9 letters]

[4]  pointed tool breaks up pottery  [7] letters

no 2 will not be wells as it is a city and not really a coastal resort and as for no.4 there is a place called upottery which has 8 letters and not 7 which is the number given here




[3]pointed tool breaks up pottery

awl may be the pointed tool

pottery- vase, urn, ware, ming

Tynemouth for the flower ends here clue?

I thought the places were in a sort of progressive order around the coast.

You should be able to trace the places on a map or atlas.

Might have helped the helpers!

Who aren't contributing to the charity by entering the competition.

I thought it would be okay answering from my house, MG, as charity begins at home.

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