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Benfieldside Coastal Resorts Quiz

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Ardbeg | 16:34 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers

Let's swim backwards round the pool (5)



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Is this the quiz where the answers follow a path around the UK coast so you know roughly where it is- eg between Scarborough and Hull
15:51 Sun 28th Jul 2024

Hi Ardbeg.

I was wondering why you had not received any help with this one. Then I realised you had typed backwards instead of backstroke. 

The answer is then in the clue. (backstROKE Round ).

Hope that helps.


Is this the quiz where the answers follow a path around the UK coast so you know roughly where it is- eg between Scarborough and Hull

Sorry Cornishboy, I missed yours. I wasn't far out geographically with my example was I.

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Benfieldside Coastal Resorts Quiz

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