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BrookeB | 18:12 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

4 The largest member of the felines, having two subspecies, Bengal and Sumatran.

5 Hernan Cortes, conquistador from Spain, brought the downfall of the Aztec Empire in the 16th Century.

21 Is it possible that Labour have net ten Tory woes in one way or another during election?

23 It’s a mere part of the country.



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4 Tiger Tiger

23 Lakeland?

21 Net To 

5 Cor TES CO nquistador 

21. store twenty one (anagram of net ten tory woes)

Any help please, 20, who they should have asked to solve a murder in a golfing story by Lady Mallowan, 60, what you will have been doing solving these.

20    Evans

60. Quiz ??

Thank you cashier & the winner.

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