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minion87 | 08:49 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers

13 Is it everything? 

15 Jet, Carbon, Charcoal, Coal, Ink, Ivory,  Jet, Carbon, Charcoal, Coal, Ink, Ivory, Lamp, Vine, Pitch, Slate etc.Lamp, Vine, Pitch, Slate etc.

24 The Olympic full triathlon distance is 51.5 Kilometres, 1.5km swim, 40km cycle and 10km run.

26 The four legal quarter days are Lady Day, Midsummer’s Day, Michaelmas Day and Christmas Day.

29 or the actor?



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13 The Works?

15 Blacks (camping shop)

24 Londis

15 Ebony and Ivory?

26 Asda

29.  John Lewis ???

Any clues for

36 A steep high wreck will get you to this country-wide fashion store.

46 Margaret Thatcher vent her anger at the Argentines for invading the Falkland Islands.

36. is an anagram of "a steep high"

46.  hidden in the clue, The Range.

Many Thanks The Winner.

you're welcome, good luck.

If the winner is correct about 46 then the same answer is used twice as it also the answer to 52 "According to the Kansas state song on what is home?"

The setter posted on the fundraising web site to say not all the answers are unique some may be repeated

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