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Rondy | 08:56 Sun 28th Jul 2024 | Jokes
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I applied for a personal loan and they asked what its for.
I said "It's personal."


The instructions for the chicken goujons said "Turn halfway through cooking".
Now I'm facing away from the oven and can't tell if they're ready!


My elderly neighbour just reached 110
Thats the last time i get in a car with her!


Had a stroke of luck this morning.
Took my old Chinese Microwave to be valued at the local Auctioneers.
Turns out it dates back to the Ping Dynasty.



I saw a golf buggy parked in the disabled bay, I thought I wonder what his handicap is?


Did you know, 18% of men like women with big thighs ...11% of men like women with skinny thighs ..all the rest just like something in between.


Just downloaded the soundtrack of Titanic,its syncing at the moment.


Police have raided a factory producing thousands of counterfeit Kipling products. A Police spokesman said " They're exceedingly good fakes"


Just been to the opticians to get my eyes tested and you'll never guess who I bumped into whilst I was there..
... everyone!




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