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Stroppy Woman Demanding Refund - What Would You Do??

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Smowball | 18:21 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

We decided to get rid of our hot tub due to it just taking up way too much room, and being in such an awkward position in the garden. We got rid of the tub itself and then just had the pump left last. Absolutely nothing wrong with it & they're quite expensive, so I advertised it on FB Marketplace. Couple of days later a woman messaged me about it. Exchanged more details about it & she agreed to pick up nxt day. She turns up, pays for it, and takes it. That was about a week ago.

This afternoon I get a very stroppy msg from her saying it leaks, I've sold her an item that doesn't work, she is reporting me to Marketplace etc etc unless I give her a full refund. Spoke to MrSmow - he said it worked perfectly fine when it was here and for all we know she's dropped the blooming thing and broken it. He's telling me to tell her that sorry but there  was nothing wrong with it. She's messaged me 4 times in last hour now, saying what a con merchant I am......blah blah! 
Would you just refund her to shut her up, or hold your ground - that there was nothing   wrong with it??

( P.S. I sold it to her for £50)



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I wouldn't argue over £50.

I'd tell her to return it for a refund.  

I'd want it back too.

It may have started leaking since you last used it. I would be inclined to refund her if she returns the pump. Test it if you can & re-advertise it if it is ok.

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We had in all plugged in and tested it just a couple of weeks ago. But tbh I don't need the hassle of her turning up and causing a scene. Ok, I'll msg her and say I want it back then if she wants a refund.

Remember your Marigolds, folk get up to all sorts in the sex soup maker.

Perhaps she has an identical faulty pump and is doing a naughty swapsy. Could you identify that it's your pump being returned?

I'd not give her a penny back. It was sold as seen.

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Yes I'd know it was mine.

It depends on the description you used really. Whether you said for example Sold As Seen or In Perfect Working Order.

Best to have it back, refund her, test it and resell it.

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Hi Maydup. I didn't really use either. I just put photos. Said wasn't needed  anymore. Spoke to her and said it works fine - said we'd had it plugged in/working just the week before and it was absolutely fine. 

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