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We Reached Out

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10ClarionSt | 16:31 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
35 Answers

This is now the term used by anyone who is trying to contact a person or an organisation. They didn't ask. They didn't enquire. They "reached out" didn't they? What if their reach isn't long enough? What's with this "we reached out" gubbins? What's that all about? Can somebody reach out with a response please? πŸ˜„β˜ΊπŸ˜Š



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Drives me crazy. I read a book recently where people were reaching out on nearly every page.

Another Americanism.  They're mauling the mother tongue.

that's years old 10cs. It's been part of the compendium of management rowlocks for at least 20 years!

Hate it.  A drowning person reaches out, a child reaches out, a lover reaches out.  I will not reach out to the stranger answering the phone when I call my energy supplier.

Have you synergised with the elephant in the room yet 10cs?

don't worry - it's a pardigm shift...


Best take the low hanging fruit then dave....

looks like 10cs has taken this off line.😁

What are you on about, TTT?

Enquire (I'll Be There) doesn't have the same ring to it.


Tilly I'm giving it 110% from 30,000 feet here!

That's some impressive blue sky thinking there Tora.

Glad you spotted that mozz I was about to take it to the next level.!

I'm a thicko. Please explain to me what it is that you are referring to.

The question is about management rowlocks Tilly, we are using phrases that they use.


My big hate was always lets run that idea up the flagpole and see who salutes.... Might be ok in the USA but not over here.... Closely followed by lessons will be learned.... Seldom are...

Wait, what?

so has that heads up brought you up to speed Tilly or shall we deep dive?

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