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Bit Of A Whinge

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granny grump | 17:34 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Something that I find irritating is that when people ask for help they will either use letters or sequential numbers to identify the clues that they require the answers to. Why can't they use the actual numbers?

Is it me?



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Do you mean that you'd like them to put No.65, if it's No.65 in the actual quiz?

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Yes Tilly - sorry that I didn't explain it clearly. I apologise if I have caused any offence. It is a minor irritation

No, I agree with you, Granny. It is irritating when you have to search your answers on your quiz sheet without knowing the proper number.

I agree as well!

Totally agree. I have asked in the past if people could use the quiz number as it is easier for us to help.

..... and they don't put the quiz title on.

..... and they multi post one question at a time

Yes Tuvok. I am always reminding people about the Quiz title, closing date and to use the same post. 

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I'm glad that it  is t just me. I was beginning to think that I  was turning into a grumpy old woman  😁😁

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wasn't just me

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Bit Of A Whinge

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