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Kingpin4 | 10:27 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

If XXVI WAS ONE, XXI WAS THREE, AND XX WAS FOUR, HOW MANY WAS XVI ? TWO, FIVE, SIX,  SEVEN OR EIGHT. Many thanks in advance if anyone can help.



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Can anyone make sense of this?

It looks like it is a subtraction from 27 first of all followed by a subtraction of 3.

27-26=1     27-21=6-3=3     27-20=7-3=4 so the final sum will read 27-16=11-3=8.

That would make XVI 8




not convinced.


Has anyone solved this please?

^ sorry jellybean, not sure if yours is correct

I believe the answer is six. Based on the total gold medals won by British competitors at the Summer Olympics, or Games of the ?? Olympiad. In this case, 1956 was the 16th Olympics, and Britain won six golds. The other figures line up for 1972, 1976 and 1996.

I reckon the gold medal totals is the right answer.

Good thinking!

I thought it might have been the difference in points in the American Super Bowl since they number them with numerals but I forgot about the Olympics.

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