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Parkinson 29/8 Theme Olympic Games

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Bows48 | 10:55 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

13 sport that got the chop after one appearance  (6)

26 the cycle road race is 100km G hoy averaged 20km/h for the first half of the race and 25km/h for the whole race what did he average for the second half of the race. (No number of letters)

29 2 have 2 crossings, 3 have 4 crossings, there are 5 altogether (7.5)

any help thanks



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26 The whole race took 100/25 = 4 hours

The first half 50km took 50/20 = 2.5 hours

Therefore the second half took 4 - 2.5 = 1.5 hours

In the second halfhe cycled 50 km in 1.5 hours

Average speed = 50/1.5 = 33.33kmh

29 Olympic Rings

Forget olympic rings

29 Sorry - it IS the Olympic rings!

13 karate

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Thank you jj1109 and toorak 

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Parkinson 29/8 Theme Olympic Games

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