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Liquid Refreshment - 5 Sept

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bluebell56 | 12:10 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

Last two of this quiz if anyonee can solve them please. All cllues as near as they sound. No.26 Insect be without trending now. No.28 Culinary favouring Al Pacino make fun of.  No number of letters i'm afriad. Thank you.



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I have just solved No.28 so just need help with No.26 please. 

Something to do with blackcurrant?

insect = B

be without = lack

now = current sounds like currant

but trending????

I suppose "trending now" could be current!...............

Question Author

Sounds good to me. Current would be classed as now. Thank you. 

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Liquid Refreshment - 5 Sept

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