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Asbestos Action - Olympics - 30 Sept

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bluebell56 | 12:12 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

I really don't do Olympics so a it stuck on the last few. No.3 In trouble for this. No.13 Breaking. No.11 38.9'N 23.57'E. No number of letters. Thank you all one again. 



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11 Marathon

Forget that - that was for another question

13 break dancing ?- in the list of olympic sports as breaking.

38.1533° N, 23.9620° E - that is the same as your cordinates as there are 60 minutesin a degree!

No I was right first time - it is Marathon!

3 If you're in trouble you are for the HIGH JUMP

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Thank you JJ109. Excellent. I have just checked it is Marathon Greece. You're a star.

You must be using an old map says Snickers on mine!

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Asbestos Action - Olympics - 30 Sept

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