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Nyt New Word Game 'Strands'

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barry1010 | 07:47 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
33 Answers

Bit more time consuming than Wordle but I enjoy it now I've got the hang of it.

Worth a look.



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I'd like to get the 'hang' of Waffle but I'm not making much progress 😢🤔

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Do you enjoy it? That's the main thing.

I don't rush in to make a move. I try to work out at least what two of the words are and look for letters that can be swapped so they both fall in to the right space. Then the next two.

Sometimes I just can't see the words or the swaps 

Yes I do, very much and I try to take my time and work out what should go where, perhaps I still need more patience 🧐

Ny daughter showed me Strands but I figured I neede to master one thing before getting tangled up with something new.

Thanks for the hints, you'll be able to tell if they've managed to sink in 🤗

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It's a nice start to the day for me, or occupies when I'm awake in the early hours.  Keeps the demons at bay

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Thank you, TheWinner

Strands #151
“Not stirred”

Strands #151
“Not stirred”

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Strands #151

“Not stirred”



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I confess yesterday's try was hopeless 😳

Thank you I enjoyed that. It took a minute or too to get in the swing of things so this is my first attempt.

Strands #151
“Not stirred”

Question Author

Great first attempt, Maydup  

Strands #152
“Here, there, and everywhere”

I like it.

what fresh hell is this? 

Strands #152
“Here, there, and everywhere”

Thumbs up from me :)

I have to think... oh gawd... I'm scared🤪

Strands #152
“Here, there, and everywhere”

it's enjoyable

Strands #152

“Here, there, and everywhere”



Strands #152
“Here, there, and everywhere”

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Nyt New Word Game 'Strands'

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