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Dereks Easy Peasy Quiz

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vonjon | 21:22 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

The brutal & Licentious Soldiery

12. who sent one soldier to coventry, intending to lead the rest to sutton coldfield?

14. who appointed judas maccabaeus to command?

15. which national army had an attack group named the white tigers?

16. who was "the father of the RAF"?

22. in which area of combat in WWII did the rasputitsa play a part

25. which island was raided from nuneaton and vulcan?

thanks for any help


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16 Hugh Trenchard, 1st Viscount Trenchard, the 'Father of the RAF'

16. Hugh Trenchard (Viscount)

25. Fernando Po

12 Falstaff

15 the White Tiger Regiment of the South Korean Capital Mechanized Infantry Division

14 Judas was designated by his dying father as the new leader of the band of guerrilla warriors


22. Barbarossa and the Russian theatre of war.

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