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Yorkshire Air Ambulance .Liquid Refreshments ( Closes (5/9/24 )

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galasalmon | 20:05 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

Help please 

11/ MADDEn A VOLE OK anagram 2 drinks 

16/ High pitch complaint .

20/ Heavy weight pinch slang

22/ Vegetable gourd ,could be butternut 

23/ Beat briskly to fifth .



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22. squash

23. Whiskey


20 Tonic

Ton nick

20. tonic

16. Wine (whine)

oops pipped at the post 😁

where can i get thie quiz please>?

Can someone please give details on how to obtain this quiz. Thankyou

Liquid Refreshment in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance

Closing date - Thursday 5th September 2024

Send £1 & SAE to The Turners, 12 Hillside, Overdale Park, Skipton North Yorks BD23 6XF

Cheques payable to A Turner

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Yorkshire Air Ambulance .Liquid Refreshments ( Closes (5/9/24 )

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