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Yorkshire Air Ambulance Liquid Refreshments ( Closes 06/09/24

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galasalmon | 09:17 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

3 to get help please

36/ Well heated wedge circle tardy 

42/ Tip out liquid to a drink 

44/ Old time scouring powder foot digit. 
Thank you 



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36 Hot choc o late

pour/por T

44 vimto

44.  Vimto

44    Vimto?

You seem to be asking for most of the Quiz. Have you done any yourself? 

Question Author

Yes I have done some myself does it bother you. I see quite a lot of people have asked for answers for various quizzes and it is up to them if they want to ask. I thought that's what the answerbank was for but obviously not. 

Yes Answerbank is for help I agree but I was under the impression it was for people when they are completely stuck. Doesn't bother me at all.  It just makes people think you are not trying yourself when you put so many on in small quantities.

Bluebell Unlikley to ask all in one go when you are asking half the quiz

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Yorkshire Air Ambulance Liquid Refreshments ( Closes 06/09/24

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