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Today's 1% Club App Question

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barry1010 | 12:57 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
34 Answers

Did you get it right? I got it wrong but can't see why



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It is obvious now where my confusion is.

I turned him forwards, the puzzle turned him sideways.

Thanks for the replies, all. 

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Is there anything in the question to indicate Jordan is turned sideways? 

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This sort of thing keeps me awake at night.


Reading the question I automatically rotated the picture left to right.  If it had told me to flip it I'd have done it like you did.

This shows it doesn't matter if the rotation is top to bottom or left to right


I think Barry flipped him forwards, Corby.  That way the man would have been upside down but his hands would have been in the same position .... I think.  

Mathematically you can only rotate things through degrees by using a line of symmetry or imagining a pin in the middle and turning it. The question said this method.

If you move it from left to right it's flipping not rotating.

My thoughts exactly.

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My man was speared through the waist from left to right and rotated forward 

You led him astray, Barry. 😂

Sounds painful barry but that would have made him not only upside down but you'd be looking at his back or the back of the photo.

I think the fact it referred to the "photo" rather than the "image" makes a difference, in my opinion anyway.

The "photo" is physical and there is only so much that can be done regarding rotating or flipping a physical photo.

With an image, it can be rotated or flipped about more axes than a photo.

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He looked better from the back

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I got today's question right!  Hurrah!

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