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Today's 1% Club App Question

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barry1010 | 12:57 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
34 Answers

Did you get it right? I got it wrong but can't see why



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What is the question?

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There is a photo of a man with his arms crossed across his front. He is facing the camera.

On the left is a separate photo of an apple and on the right a photo of a banana.

His crossed hands are pointing at the fruit.

The question is: 

If the photo of the man is rotated 180 degrees so he is upside down, what fruit is his left hand pointing at?

I got it right.  Perhaps you forgot his arms are crossed so his left hand is pointing at the banana on his right.

As it's a half-rotation, he would be pointing to the one he's not currently pointing at.

Question Author

Thanks both .

My thinking was that he is turned upside down, not rotated left to right.

I can't see how his arms swap sides

He is turned upside down. Forget the man, think of his arms as a horizontal bar with arrow heads at each end. Mentally draw a central line and colour the left side red and the right side green. Now rotate it 180 degrees (whuch is the same as turning it upside down) - the red and green bits will have swapped sides and therefore swapped between pointing at the apple or banana.

If he is turned up side down, then that makes his arms swap sides.

Question Author

Thanks everyone. As a youngster I struggled to understand how a wall could be either left or right depending on the way I was facing.

I still can't grasp how a metal bar on a spit can rotate on its axis and change sides so I will have to accept that it does.

You have swapped the fruit pictures over in your question. The banana pic was on the left and apple was on the right with man's photo in middle. So when upside down his left hand was pointing at apple.

Question Author

I couldn't remember which way the fruit was and I couldn't open the puzzle again.

I know I got it wrong because I didn't swap sides but those who answered here did. It doesn't really make a difference that I placed the fruit on the wrong sides

I think the answer is wrong. Irrelevant of which way up the picture is, the question says "his left hand". His left hand is pointing at the banana no matter how you orientate the picture. I'm not happy!

The fruits don't move. 

Question Author

If you put a pig on a spit roast its nose doesn't change sides as it rotates.

I think it did say rotate the photo clockwise through 180 degrees so as though from a 12 o'clock position around  to a 6 o'clock so the man's face is still facing upwards, but I think you may be rotating by lifting photo upwards and over so technically the back of the photo or the man's head would be upwards, in which case you would have been correct.

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It definitely said the man was upside down

If you rotate the picture 180 degrees sideways left to right the man is still facing you but he's upside down.  I think you flipped the picture over, front to back, Barry.

Question Author

I did, naomi.  I'll download the app on to another device later and have another look at the puzzle

Might be an idea to take a screenshot of the puzzle before you do it.  Then if you're wrong you can check to see why.  

Question Author

Good thinking, Naomi.

Can you see where you went wrong now?

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