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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 1 Results

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seekeerz | 03:06 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers

Good morning everyone - typical Winters day here, partly overcast, patches of sun, no wind, not too bad all in all .... ok for my 'chap' to get the mower out, though it'll be more like cutting hay, with the sun and rain we've had, it's 'bolted' !!

the links have 'bolted' too -

Hermit Crab

Safety Pins

Plain Flour

Jack Boot

You found all of them and no Bonus points awarded. 

SAM1960 showed the way with six points for three correct matches ....way to go, mate !!
The brand new Leaderboard....

6 points - Sam1960

3 points - andres, anikomo, brizzer, Doof45, Mrs Glarus, jobjockey, modeste, Mozz71, Muzz,  patsy33, and roslyn251254.

1 point - 9 players

Congratulations to all the points scorers - what a great start for a new month 🥳 and let's hope it continues.

Till next week, stay safe and take care, Cheers Steff 😘😘



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Best start I've had for a while, hope it continues for the rest of the month  😊

Thanks as always seekz  😉  Hope this finds you well  xx


Well done to all the other point scorers

Well at least there's a bit of room to move in here this early... I foresee a long month.

Thank you SeekeerzXx

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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 1 Results

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