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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 2 Results

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seekeerz | 02:40 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

Good morning everyone - its going to be a warmer one today ...21d and quite windy, ahead of more rain ...this is South Oz's version of Spring ....not quite four seasons in a day but it comes close !! 
Now for the links ....

Chicken Feed

Dance Floor

Money Bags

Grey Mullet

Ok, on the top was ARKSIDED with three correct matches for 6 points.....well done Arky and it gives some of us a chance for a hobnob or two 🤔

Next was WILDFISH who garnered in the Bonus points for his Grey Mullet and a score of 5 ....well what could you expect from an angler ??

The Leaderboard so far ...

6 points - andres,  Arksided, Mrs Glarus, Muzz and Sam1960

5 points - wildfish 

4 points - jobjockey, modeste, Mozz71, patsy33, roslyn251254 and SharonA.

3 points - anikomo, brizzer, Doof45, and haras2, 

2 points - 3 players 

1 point - 11 players 

Congratulations to all, it's lovely to have a busy score board, hope for the same next week ....till then, stay safe and take care Cheers Steff 😘😘




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Wohoo early exit after all. 🎉🎈"so long suckers"

Well done all fellow point scorers

Thank you SeekeerzXx the pallet of Hob-nobs is under the sheet by the sign that reads HOB-NOBS ARE HERE with the arrow pointing down.

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Is THAT where they're stashed ....never have guessed 🧐🙀

(thought you'd be chuffed 😏🐨)

I am big cheesy grin on my mush as I type 😀

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I'll bet xx

Hurrah first points for a while nice to see the outside, well done all and thanks to skrz 

Well done Arky! 😃

Thank you PatsyXx I did dilly dally about abit before submitting my guesses.

Your dilly dallying did you proud! 😁

For once 😃

It does happen sometimes..😄

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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 2 Results

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