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Sunday Express Skeleton 4Th August 2024

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Frustrate | 17:05 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

HELP PLEASE. can't get off the ground this week. Brain dead.

2a Soundman having designs. 9 letters ????????d

1d Greens supported by a star. 11 letters ?m?????????

29a Was a contestant given a hand, making final.9 letters ??c???t??

Can someone tell me where 17d is in the grid, as I can't establish where it starts, or how many letters.

7d Abstainer getting hot finds shade. Think it is 11 letters but not sure.

Please help. Frustrate 

Am really stuck solid this week. Hope you people can help. Frustrate 





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29 completed?

2a patterned

7d  t in t

1d vega?

17 down is the fourth square down on the right hand side.

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Sunday Express Skeleton 4Th August 2024

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