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Kids Names???

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melv16 | 19:03 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
21 Answers

Whilst walking in the Peak District this morning I came across a father with his 3 kids.

The were called; Fox, River and Hunter! What possesses parents to name their children after mammal, a geological feature and brand of riding boot?😁



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I've heard of River and Hunter but never Fox as a first name.  River popular in Hollywood.

I like River and Hunter. Not sure about Fox.

The're better than some of the daft names that 'celebrities' use.

I know a child called Willow. The name really suits her.

Maybe he was using What Three Words. 😊

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How's about weasel, oxbow and Adidas?😁

I taught a child once named Levi, after the jeans, not the Biblical character!

Fox Mulder... (The X Files) only time I've heard it as well... only Hunter was a Gladiator... familiar with River though.

My mate's newly hatched granddaughter goes by Hunter.

I have 3 great great  nephews, Harrison, Hunter and Henley. Their sister is Hattie. Don't know how some folks minds work.


bit insular - but has no one heard of the presidents wayward son, Hunna Biden ?

River as in River Phoenix

My granddaughter is named Meadow. I hated it at first but now it grown on me and I can't imagine her been named anything else now.

Hunter S Thompson? River Phoenix? But the only Fox I can think of is Mulder.

Fox?  Aristocratic, surely?,_11th_Earl_of_Dalhousie

River? Cults, drugs and Hollywood, maybe?

Hunter?  Illegally owning a gun while a drug user might not go down too well with the authorities but having a powerful father might possibly help:


When my daughter told me she was going to call her daughter Willow, I couldn't understand why she would want to call her after a tree, but it has become quite popular over the years.

Fox Glove has been around for millions of years!

I know somebody called Willow. She's the daughter of a former Man Utd player, who won CL winners medal. 

@2.39..named after a tree - but has become "poplar" surely?

I mix with a lot of doggy people and Willow appears to be one of the most popular names for female dogs lately.

Some parents do think though. My sister was going to be named so her initials would be V D. They changed it!

We live close to a school and through sometimes overhearing playtime or outdoor activities have become aware of the new names.

There are no Rivers or Foxes but I have heard a Hunter, there's always a Willow, and this summer there's Elsie, Arthur and Dot. I feel like I'm living in a time warp!

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