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Dingbat Help (Again)

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Charles659 | 16:02 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Dingbat help please:


2. HOUSE.    6. MAY

3. QUEEN.    7. TSETSE

4. HORSE.    8. FRUIT

Items 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 are all crossed out. 
As ever, any help greatly appreciated. 



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No fly list?

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Yeah Mallyh.  I was thinking "be on the no-fly list"?   Or am I over-thinking it?

could be either x

yours does sound good though x


Question Author

Mallyh, you were correct.  "No fly list". Thanks all.  

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Dingbat Help (Again)

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