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Poetry Please

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Maisie Doats | 15:52 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Who wrote the poems that includes these lines -

2.  He Onlye (sic) lives, who deadly is in love. 

10. We see into the life of change. 



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Thank you Scorpiojo, but the quiz question 2. definitely says "Onlye" and the setter makes a point of saying Spelling is Correct. I'm assuming it's a 15/16th century poem but I've been stuck on it for ages. 

Michael Drayton answer looks correct. Most texts published more than once in the period would have variant spellings, eg only/onlye, depending on publisher 

Question Author

Thank you Blaris.  Useful information. I'll settle for that. 

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