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chessington | 14:45 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
20 Answers

Hi Does anyone know what you get with Prime? I know I get some free books and free and fast parcel delivery, but what else is there? TIA



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Films and the TV programs on Amazon Prime.

For the money I think it's great. I broke my motorbike helmet visor on Saturday, ordered a replacement Sunday morning and it was delivered at 6pm the same day.

Just google "amazon Prime benefits UK" and get it all, straight from the horse's mouth!

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thanks all


You also get regular subscription fee rises without asking.

I was a big fan of Prime but I found I was buying more and more items cheaper elsewhere, including delivery.  It just wasn't worth it so I cancelled in January. I'm not missing it

@17.49...regular subscription fee rises?. In all the years we've had Prime, the annual subscription has increased just once.

I buy it for a month making sure I get an email  confirming the end date and get all the bits I want and watch what I fancy during that time.  I probably do that about 4 times a year

It's increased 3 times since 2005, in 2014, 2018 and 2022

Keep your head down then, gingebee, I've had two in my time but do save on the ad-free option by having a decent ad blocker.

I note that US members have more options available than we do, especially the 'seniors' rate.

I buy a lot from Amazon. My Prime membership fee is well and truly covered by the postage I save.    

Same as Naomi, worth every penny to us, as is the tv bit. annual subscription was £79 when started in 2014 and it increased to £95 in 2022 - that's one increase in the ten years we've had it. I think that's quite fair and good value for our use of it.

I have it, and noticed several times recently when I ordered single items I had a message stating that with PRIME I'd saved a £4.49 delivery charge. Definitely worth it.

It is worth it. Next day delivery.

Lots of things to watch when Husband finally lets me have the remote control.

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thank you for replies

If you log into your account and click the bit that says "Hello ymb" you will see a list open up, select YOUR ACCOUNT, it will give you a dashboard and details of your plan.  You can have different Amazon plans.

Apparently we have watch 1232 videos this year!

Personally I chose to forego the TV tax and spend it on Amazon so there is an immediate large saving!

You still need to pay for some films.

Pasta, when I had Prime (I had it for years) and clicked on an item, I very often got the message 'this item may be cheaper from other sellers without Prime'.  I still use Amazon and get free postage - just not same or next day.  

I occasionally accept the free month of Prime, and immediately cancel (but take advantage of the quick free delivery).

I wouldn't pay for it.

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