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Olive Brassington Wells Dressing Quiz C/D 4Th September 2023 Flora, Fauna, Folk

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ojoj | 09:02 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers

I am still stuck on the Flora and Fauna.

Could anyone help please?

FLORA: Tiny worker in Salisbury's grassland (8)   Fetch Victoria to overrule false start (5)  The edge in writing (8)   Some of the current unit are in the county (8)  Grandpa and son stewed plant (10)

FAUNA: One of many making a conurbation (5)  In juror case, it's black and white (4)  Group found in Latin section of CD(6)  Mistake involving Irish leafeater(7)  





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1 flora plantain

2 flora Vetch?

5 flora Snapdragon anagram grandpa son

6. Orca - in clue    7. Insect - in clue 

Grandpa son anagram =snapdragon

3 flora Primrose anagram prose rim

4 flora Samphire.....amp in shire

Question Author

Thank you very much, just the 2 for Fauna left. 

last one ...giraffe + irish  in gaffe = mistake

Fauna 4 G-Ir-affe

Are you sure it says "conurbation"?

The collective noun for eagles is a "convocation"



I've just been racking my poor little brain for a 'conurbation of which animal' as well JJ.

Hopefully ojoj can clarify.

Question Author

Yes, it definitely says conurbanation.  I just can't make any sense of it!! 

Question Author

Sorry, I've made a typing error now. It is CONURBATION

i can only see a 3 word  conurBATion

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Olive Brassington Wells Dressing Quiz C/D 4Th September 2023 Flora, Fauna, Folk

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