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Wirral Mammals Quiz 2924

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sillyhat | 20:55 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

only one mammal left to find: answer (8 letters) falls between polar bear and pygmy hippo: popular reptile loses two times; papas step in and see to that.
I can't find any at all in my reference books . . .




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Can you please enter the closing date for the quiz so people can decide whether to answer or leave it a while.

Wirral Wildlife Prize Quiz, Lindisfarne, Park West, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 9JE to arrive no later than 31st January 2025.

Please make cheques payable to "Wirral Wildlife".



This quiz closes 31st January 2025.

Replace 2 times (T+T) with 2 papas (P+P)

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If I don't do quizzes as soon as I receive them, they get lost/forgotten - I'm not an organised person! I thought about the TT and PP and the penny  dropped last night. Thank you anyway!

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Wirral Mammals Quiz 2924

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