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Lizzies Rhyming Answers C/D 26/10

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Peasblossom | 20:57 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

4a) waders (6)    4b) Droopy county (5)

7a)Curry or rice (3)                  7b) Opposite (7)

19a) shrinking horse part (7)

20a) Frisbee(5,7)         20b)Use of willpower (

Any help gratefully appreciated 4,4,6)





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20a Pluto platter and mind over matter

4a  Stilts and Wilts

7a  ? Tim and Antonym

29 Withers

^ 19

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Thank you Hazlinny and scorpiojo 

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Lizzies Rhyming Answers C/D 26/10

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