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Chatteris Community Would You Believe It C/D 30/09

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Peasblossom | 21:05 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

2) civil service holds record(5)

3) The gift was sent back. (6)

4) Reserve the luggage (8)

12) Scraping position (10,4)

17) Greek letter for bad guy)

Any help gratefully appreciated 




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2 clogs?

4 holdall

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Thank you mallyh 

12 scratching post?

Peas, what's the letter count for 17?

4 Bookcase

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Thank you scorpiojo there are 7 letters in 17

17. Omicron (anagram of moronic) ???

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Thank you TheWinner and Captain2 

3 drawer .....reward reversed?

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Chatteris Community Would You Believe It C/D 30/09

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