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Shop Till You Drop C/D 31/8/24

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ddenson658 | 10:59 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers


Please can anyone help with last 2, answers are all retail outlets, no letter count given.

2. Play by an angry young man about a failing musician hall star, first played by Lawrence Olivier.

17. Or maybe added to a stationery place.

Thanks for any help



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2 The Entertainer

2 Entertainer

What question precedes 17?

Question Author

I have got answer to 16 as Oasis.

Never heard of The Entertainer (as a shop). Thanks for that

17 Goldsmiths

Question Author

That is a great answer, though obvious when you think about it (which I did not!)


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Shop Till You Drop C/D 31/8/24

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