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August Quiz

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hillwalker | 21:18 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

Upper Coquet Resource Group c/d 31 August

Last answer to find and any help much appreciated.   Wondered if it could be Meatloaf but not sure if it fits.

Singer:    Spam, Corned Beef:   Luncheon Meat




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what's the theme?

sorry, is it a singer? think i misread the clue.

What was the answer to the Rocket Man question last month?

rocket man from last months quiz George Stephenson

Question Author

There's not a theme.   Different general knowledge quiz each month.

Why don't you like Meatloaf, it seems the perfect answer to me.

Question Author

Well, spam, corned beef and luncheon meat aren't the ingredients of a meatloaf but perhaps I am missing something?

They are all meat and are tinned in the form of a loaf which you have to cut!

Exactly jj

I've learnt something new today - I always thought the term meatloaf did refer to stuff like Spam and Corned Beef.  I've now googled Meatloaf and found it has a specific recipe nothing to do with spam etc.  

Question Author

Thank you, everyone, for your interest, comments and answers.   I am going with Meatloaf but don't understand why there's colons between the spam, corned beef and luncheon meat.   Anyway, it will be interesting to get the answer in due course.

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August Quiz

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