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Bbc Quiz : Week 34

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Buenchico | 20:22 Fri 23rd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

It's definitely not a good week quiz-wise this week.!


Firstly, there seems to be a problem with the junior quiz, so we can't have a go at that. 😕


Secondly, I could only manage a wholly pathetic ONE out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz:


Some of you might find this quite entertaining though!
(I scored FIVE out of eight)



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Good Evening, Chris!

Sad to see the kids quiz not working tonight but tried the two available quizzes and scored

5/7, 6/8

Storm Lilian today has caused quite a mess in my garden and has meant it has been too dangerous to go out for most of the morning. So I have been resigned to tidying out the garage for most of the day and hoping to have more organised shelving put in after now clearing out some rubbish and making some space.

Wishing you and the terrific trioba wonderful week ahead  :-) 

Evening Chris.




1/8  (and that was a guess)  !!


Hope this finds you well  ; ))


5/8        August is also popular in Germany though!

1/7 v 4/7

5/8 v 3/8

As my birthday is in August, I think I should have known a bit more about it !

Hope you and your merry trio are all well  😏

5 and 3

2 and 1.  I'm obviously not an August person.

4/7,6/8 ( mainly lucky guesses). Puss Puss and Bailey are questioning the human's sanity as she is going to do a half marathon with her niece at Naseby on Sunday. Luckily as it is my niece's first race we are not aiming for anything spectacular in terms of a time. Hope all is good with you and yours

Question Author

Hi, Karamia!

Well done with those fantastic scores!!!

I hope that you'll soon have your garden looking as tidy as your garage!  (I've had a gardening lady attacking my massive hedge recently.  She's not finished yet but at least the postman can now get down my garden path and passers-by no longer need to step out into the road when they reach my house!).

The Bonkers Bunch and I hope that you'll have a lovely week!


Good evening, Sam!

Well done on getting a decent enough score in at least one of the quizzes, anyway!

I continue to 'struggle along' (which is probably about the best that I can hope for these days!), thank you!  I hope that you're well too!


Hi, Zebo!

Well done on just managing to scrape ahead of me this week!


Well done with that impressive 5/7, Scorpiojo!


Well done on getting four times my score in the main quiz, Haras2!  The Crazy Gang and I are all well, thank you, as we hope that you are too!  

Have a good week!


Oops, Canary42!

Better luck next week!

4 in the adult quiz.  One I knew and 3 guesses.

And 2 in the August quiz which seems even harder than the usual kids quiz.

3/7 (couple of guesses)

2/8  (more guesses_

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Hi, Campbellking!

Well done indeed on those very impressive scores!

Looking at the weather forecast for Sunday, I think that your personal 'Battle of Naseby' might be against the wind.  It's looking a little breezy!

(At least it's better than tomorrow though, which is looking very wet!).

I'm meant to be out operating an amateur radio station for the next three days, as part of an annual event.  While I'll probably be operating from a picnic bench on Sunday and Monday, it's looking like I'll be stuck in my car (in a car park on the site) all day tomorrow.  At least there's a nice café nearby though 😋

TheTerrific Trio and I hope that you, Puss Puss and Bailey will all have a wonderful week (and that your niece's time isn't too much quicker than your own is!)  😊

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Well done with that decent 4, Sandy!  

Fortunately, guesses all count! 😊


At least your guesses are better than mine, Maggie!


6/ spite of this being my birth month, I got the birthstones wrong.  I'd always known about peridot, but had never heard of the other 2.

5/7 & 6/8

3 for adult

Three for August

6/7,  so pleased (3 lucky guesses though!!!)

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Well done with that impressive 6/8, Pasta!

I think that these are my birth stones 😊


An excellent aggregate, I think, Rowanwitch - which just happens to match mine 😁


Top of the tree, as always, Lie-in King!


Question Author

Well done, indeed, Jourdain2!

(Are you going to try the bonus quiz?)

Not too hot, I'm afraid - and I'm an August baby!  4/8, Buen (tired out - off to bed).  Hope you and all furry ones are well.

Question Author

Better than some, anyway, Jourdain2!

The furries are all well (as am I, thank you) and they're bossing me about more than ever!  I hope that you're well too!

Sleep well!

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