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24 H P P S Sc

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Nero1 | 11:43 Fri 23rd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Answer to ditloid TIA



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Any ideas?

24 hour party people starring Steve coogan?

? Maybe could start 24 hour party people ????????? just a thought!

Question Author

There were 6 ditloids in the express today. I did 5 successfully but 24 H P P I would never have got. I'm not a coogan fan 

Were they all film ditloids?

So it was 24 H P P S S C.

The Sc fooled me- I was working on the basis it was an abbreviation for Science

Question Author

They were a mixture of geometry, history, religion, golf and TV. I don't do ditloids normally. 

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24 H P P S Sc

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