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Heage Pictures 31/8/24

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CricDram | 15:25 Fri 23rd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Has anyone managed to find the Answer to Image number 5 on this quiz - I've tried searching but no luck so far - and not sure whether to give up or keep trying. Thoughts welcome. Thanks



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Sent mine in with a few missing


Your decision will be one or the other. Is the potential prize worth the stress?

can you put image on here ?

Infinite athlete

i am struggling on number 10

Question Author

Just for fun Madgeorge - so not stressful and I certainly don't do it for the prize - just a bit of personal pride I guess.

Thanks Bows48- Try Celtic Holiday Parks

Can you take a photo of it and upload it?

Thanks Cricdram and me living in wales and not getting that one

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Heage Pictures 31/8/24

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