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Telegraphs Sold Out Yesterday.

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sandyRoe | 10:54 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

So I bought a copy of the Times.

I usually get some of the answers to the Telegraph crossword but the Times seems much harder.  Is it always like this?



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I think the Times has a reputation for being the more difficult of the two.  I prefer the Times, but generally find them on a par with each other.If you want it, yesterday's Tel Cryptic is here - the link, close the "Sign in" box that might appear & you should see a black bar at the bottom of the screen - click the printer symbol on...
11:12 Sun 25th Aug 2024

Ask for a few answers on here to get you going....

Yes - always a better crossword, tougher challenge!

I think the Times has a reputation for being the more difficult of the two.  I prefer the Times, but generally find them on a par with each other.

If you want it, yesterday's Tel Cryptic is here -

Open the link, close the "Sign in" box that might appear & you should see a black bar at the bottom of the screen - click the printer symbol on the far right of that bar.

If the black bar isn't there, look for "File" top-left, click that, then "Print".

You might need to adjust your printer settings - eg, mine says "Fit to printable area".

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Telegraphs Sold Out Yesterday.

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