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The K M Links Game - September 2024 Week 1 Results

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seekeerz | 02:14 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers

Good morning everyone - well the sun is shining, but boy, that wind is cold !! 🥶 Don't think I'll be venturing outside today unless I absolutely have to....luckily the guy who does my garden/maintenance just gets on with the job.

The links today were -

Mouse Trap

Hop Picker

Lucky Charm

Beetle Crusher

Guess which one you didn't get !!
Bonus points to HARAS2 for her Hop Picker, for three points and also three points to Patsy33 for her two correct matches....nice start, girls

Quite a few Mouse Traps and a few Lucky Charms, but no one was Crushing Beetles 🪲🐞🦗🐜🐌🐛 etc.

The Leaderboard 

3 points - haras2 and Patsy33

1 point - 15 players

Congratulations to all the lucky points scorers, a good start to what will be a long month ....think I might need it ....till next week, stay safe and take care Cheers Steff 😘😘




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I may be mistaken but Candice had  mouse trap

and lucky charm, perhaps its' one of my senior


love jibjockey

Question Author

Oh dear, now we're both in a bit of a muddle - Candice actually had Door Mouse, but you had Mouse Trap and Lucky Charm - I've credited you for the first but missed the second - you had two correct for three points and an equal share of the lead ....profuse apologies and all will be rectified... it's all those hobnobs 😘😊

Yipeee! Early escape for me, I'll leave the 'Mouse Trap', you may need it, Hob-nobs are a bit crumbly. 🍪

Well done fellow escapee's... run don't look back.

Thank you SeekeerzXx 

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The K M Links Game - September 2024 Week 1 Results

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