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The K M Links Game - September 2024 Week 3 Results

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seekeerz | 03:06 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
1 Answers

Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day out there today after a ratty weekend and a couple of very cold nights ....not putting my woollies away just yet. 
Not a particularly good turn in the links dept either -

Pit Pony

Beet Root

Super Bright 

Cue Ball

I have my doubts about the third match up - needless to say nobody selected it.

The best effort came from Lady Jo with three points for two correct picks, and a fair sprinkling of single points rounded out the week

The Leader Board so far

9 points - haras2

5 points - jobjockey

4 points - Lady Jo and weecalf

3 points - Mozz71 and Patsy33

2 points - elliemay1, Lysander, and teacher1

1 point - 21 players

So Congratulations to all the points scorers this week - again I wasn't amongst them - but there's still two more rounds to go, so time for anything to happen.

Till next week, stay safe and take care Cheers Steff 😘😘



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Chuffed to score a single point  😊

Thanks as always seekz. Hope this finds you well.  x

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The K M Links Game - September 2024 Week 3 Results

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