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The Best (Worst) T W A U I've Ever Heard

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naomi24 | 14:02 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
30 Answers

From Tipping Point.


Q.  Which of the giant planets does the moon Ganymede orbit?


Answer contestant 1.    The Sun.


Answer contestant 2.   The Moon.



Me:  Gobsmacked!



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It always make me laugh when people without a clue go on these shows!

It obvious the giant planet pluto.

I suppose an ageing breakfast TV host shouting GAAAAAAHHH at random intervals doesn't attract the more cerebral contestants.

It'll be one of two.  I can't be bothered googling, which one is it?

neither of those is a giant planet sandy the answer is obvious and not really the point.

By Jupiter, I wish I knew the answer πŸ˜€

Spot on Canary lol! 

For Contestant 2, Those astronauts who went to the moon must have found it quite difficult avoiding Ganymede.

As the question is, "Which of the giant planets...?" there must be more than one so why is the answer, "obvious"?

Even if there were only the one giant planet, why would it be obvious which one it was?

How important is it for the average person to know all the planets, their positions relative to the sun and their sizes?

18:43 Ganymede is well known as one of the 4 galilean moons of Jupiter. It is in fact the largest satellite in the solar system. I am answering for Naomi but the source of amusement here is that both contestants named non planets let alone non giant planets. If one said Satun, Uranus or Neptune then this would not be a TWAU. It would be wrong but an understandable wrong answer.

I can understand why you think Ganymede may orbit yourself Naomi.

I'd hazard a guess it's an ego tripπŸ€”

Good morning,

I must be really stupid as I did'nt have a clue.

But I am sure that I know things that either of the two participants who think this is obvious don't know.

It would be boring if we all new the same stuff.

I think the point was, as has been stated, the obvious bit is that a planet had to be named. Even if one failed to identify one of the gas giants.  The issue was probably a case of not properly taking in the question.  (For those not yet knowing the answer, it is clearly Andromeda.)

We've been here before - TTT has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the solar system, expects everyone to have that too & is in disdain of anyone who doesn't.

Naomi posted the thread.

she didπŸ™„

Bismillah no!

08:36 not true but I do expect people to know that neither the moon nor the sun are planets.

wonder why naomi has not revisited her post.

Last seen floating in a most peculiar way. 😏

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