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If You Were Presented With Three Items,

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sandyRoe | 16:05 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
50 Answers

an apple, a potato, and an onion, and asked which is the odd one out, what would you say?

I'd go for potato because it originated in the Americas.

I believe this was part of the entrance exam to an Oxbridge university, and there's no right answer.



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I'd say apple, because the other two are grown under the earth.You werelistening to Radio Four then, same as me this afternoon.
16:11 Tue 03rd Sep 2024

I'd say apple, because the other two are grown under the earth.
You werelistening to Radio Four then, same as me this afternoon.

Apple cos it's grown in the soil , like the other two 

There isn't a right answer. And onions aren't grown underground; when the onion plant grows and matures, the bulb usually sits mostly above ground.

AI says apple because it is a fruit.

I'd say potato because I can eat an apple and an onion raw

You could say, onion doesn't have a letter 'a' in it.

cos it's not grown 

I would have said apple as it's a fruit the other 2 vegetables.

apple, the other two are root veg.

The story I like is a prospective student being interviewed  at Oxford, Oriel I believe.... November, late afternoon and he walked into the Prof's study and was invited to sit down, the Prof sitting there with one desk-lamp on and reading The Times - the newspaper being held up.

A couple of minutes pass and then the Prof lowers the newspaper and, over his horn-rimmed half-moon reading glasses, looked at the prospective student and said, "Prove that you are brilliant!"

The student reached inside his pockets, pulls out a lighter and sets fire to the newspaper.....


Onions and potatoes are attached to the roots, apples are attached to branches

Apple cos you can't make Apple crumble with the others 

Apple because onion and spuds would taste awful with custard.

potato because if you cut them through the centre the potato is flesh all the way but apples and onions have a definate centre

It could be onion because in French, "pomme" is an apple and "pomme de terre" is a tattie.

Could be the Onion, it's the only one that grows in layers. And you can't pickle an Apple or a Potato.

Onion, because I like apples and potatoes 

Potato because you can make a tart with the other two.

Apple the others have two set's of the same letter

And you can't pickle an Apple or a Potato.

Apple Chutney and salt n vinegar crisps. Yum.🥖🧀🍺

apple because it's fruit.

Apple is a fruiting body, potato a root ,and onion is a herb so its not as easy as it seems..



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