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18 Year Answerbank Anniversary

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fruitsalad | 18:04 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
63 Answers

It's been 18 years tommorow, since I first joined answerbank, my Dad introduced me to it, he was also a member, until his death in 2009 its been very helpful, over that time, how long has it been for you?



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18 years ago 8th June for me.

10 years and very nearly 7 mths. for me.  :)

Happy anniversary for tomorrow. 16 years for me, where has the time gone?

In a months time it will be 10 years. You used to get a badge and be mentioned in despatches. More likely to be put on the naughty step now. 🙄 

I expect Andy Hughes will bob in shortly - he's our longest ABer.

19 years in Nov for me

I've never been on the naughty step, Togo. 😇  Do you get piles? 

17 years last July 😮

Oh I don't sit on it Barry. I p*£% on it.  😂

15 years.  Cant believe it.

17 years

If you're having a party tomorrow are we invited 🎂🎈🥂

14 years in October, man and boy.

I'm a newbie - 8 years 

17 years 6 months as of the 7th of this month. 

18 years in December. It has been really helpful for me, particularly when sqad was about. I miss people who have passed away and  people who have left because of the nastiness of others. In particular I miss Mrs O - she was wonderful, remember the Marigolds, and also mamyalyne (spelling?) she was particularly helpful. Unfortunately no-one has taken their places.

18 years three months - more than a typical life sentence ...

About 15 years for me.  So pleased I found it.

Over 15 years.

13 years this month, BUT I was on here previously under a different username then got logged out one day and couldn't get back in for love nor money and after trying for about a week I gave up and just created SMOWBALL lol.

17 years   ....... 10 June 2007

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