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This Is A Query About Credit Card

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JinnyJoan | 17:56 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

but don't know where to put it - point me in the right direction - thanks




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Probably in Business and Finance or CB which is probably more looked at. A mod can always move it if necessary

Question Author

ok - not a big question.  What would I be expected to pay £6,000 on a credit card over 2 years - thanks

you mean spend 6k and pay it off in 2 years? what rate?

Question Author

i don't know - I guess my bank will tell me - if I am feeling better tomorrow I'll get a race over tomorrow.  I have been extremely can't even spell it.  Hyperventilating since Monday and not eating and can you believe it have gained about 5 pounds.  

As a very rough estimate - £300 a month if the interest rate is 20%;  £280 if the interest rate is 10%


This is the barclaycard calculator, just fill in the boxes:

eg I tried £300 at 22% and it said 25 months so £310 would do it but you need the apr to be accurate.

I've assumed an APR of 25%. You'll pay it of in just under two years by paying £330 per month..and you'll have paid back £7435. (The actual figure depends on the APR that your card charges, of course)

A mod can always move it if necessary

no they can only delete apparently - hence the loathed " I will delete this in 15m and you can if you like, repost somewhere else" [un-mimsy by reason of location]

but what is truth next week we may find ......


What would I be expected to pay £6,000 on a credit card over 2 years 

Jinz you need to  supply an interest  rate - if you specify a low rate  then the repayment rate is lower

20% - £305 per month

25 - £320 per month

30% - £335 per month - all for 24 months

I used

20-30 % seems to be the current rate

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