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Canary42 | 20:23 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

While reading the Wiki entry for dogs (don't ask) I came across this unusual/interesting statement.

One study suggests that dogs can feel small variations in Earth's magnetic field. Dogs prefer to defecate with their spines aligned in a north-south position in calm magnetic field conditions.



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Thanks, Canary42.

So the next time that I'm lost somewhere, I can simply find a dog (in need of a poo, obviously) to act as a compass!


I hadn't heard about the first part, but had heard about the second, the north south thingy.

same phys as birds being able to orientate ( is there a verb for 'take up a position according to the magnetic field'?)

Brain takes up / makes liddle liddle grains ( psammoma bodies) which can take up Iron and so be compasses

it seems dogs can 

and humans - accounts for some people being unable to have MRI scans.

In the Sabi Desert ( Zim) some insect only makes a nest on one oriented side of a tree - useful if lost

oh, wiki says psammoma bodies are pathological

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