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Ev N0 1659 - Problem - By Eclogue

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Matakari | 10:15 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Many thanks, NACW and Newmodarmy, I'm reposting to avoid the constant change of page. The last one was 25 which read as follows :
25 Secure Queen ordinary traditional hotel ( 5 )





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Matakari, I have already given you that one! Qu, queen+O+In, an old word for hotel, inn.

Have you managed to fill in the perimeter, solve the problem? 

Question Author

Thanks again, NACW, I'm having a good look at the perimeter to work out the problem.

Thanks, Matakari - do you think you need a quick eye-test, I don't know how you missed the earlier answer!

You'll be relieved to hear that filling the perimeter and solving the problem shouldn't be anywhere near as arduous. The info in the preamble, about the unchecked letters, should be useful.

Question Author

I've got the quote and the author quite quickly, NACW! Grateful for all the help! Looking forward to tomorrow's Spectator which, I hope, should be much more soothing!

Thanks, Matakari - and glad the perimeter was much more straightforward for you. . I'll be very disappointed if we get a 'soothing' Spectator - after the last two Speccies and this EV, I'd welcome something more challenging.

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Ev N0 1659 - Problem - By Eclogue

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