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Rondy | 11:02 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Jokes
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I recently went for a job interview at a sewage farm.
The interview room had no chairs but a couple of stools.


I've opened a kitchenware shop in Jamaica selling casserole dishes.
Pyrex of the Caribbean.


I was very naive sexually. My first girlfriend asked me to try missionary so I *** off to Africa for six months.”


I am shattered today.....My wife had me try three new positions in the bedroom last night. But she ended up wanting the dresser back where it was.


In fact I'm sure my mate is having an affair with my wife. He's been right miserable lately.


My friend went and won the first prize in the World Litter Collecting championship.
He confessed that he had no formal training and just picked it up as he went along.


I've never been an organ donor,
But I once gave an old piano to the Salvation Army.


Seamus O'Docherty loses his beloved Doggie.
He's inconsolable.
His wife's says, "Put an Advert in the Paper", 3 weeks pass and still Nothing.
The wife asks Seamus ,"What did you write in the Paper"?,
Seamus says,"Here Boy!"


I have this irrational fear of horse chestnut trees.
I will conker it one day.


I’m not making any progress in my salsa lessons.
It’s one step forward, two steps back.




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