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What Famous Movies Have You Never Seen?

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10ClarionSt | 07:45 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

As opposed to Nailedits' OP, about binge watching your favourite film, what famous films have you NEVER watched? For me, Casablanca, Shawshank Redemption, Reservoir Dogs, Green Mile, Gone In 60 seconds. There's others but too many mention.



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Any Star Wars.

& I don't like "fantasy"/superhero films. (except Hellboy!)

I don't watch many films so most of them.

The sound of music.


Any of the Titanic films.

not even "A Night to Remember"?


not even "A Night to Remember"?

No, I don't watch films when I know the ending.

The Sound of Music

Shindler's List

Reservoir Dogs

And others too numerous to mention.

Off the top of my head;

Gone With The Wind, The Piano, Shrek, and i never did get around to watching parts 2 and 3 of Debbie Does Dallas. 😉

About 90% of the films mentioned in my post below...

But you really should try and get to watch Shawshank, Reservoir Dogs and the Green Mile. Great films.

I'm not keen on Reservoir Dogs (only seen it once).

But Pulp Fiction is an absolute triumph!

Gone with the wind.

The wizard of Oz 

The Godfather trilogy, Forrest Gump, Gone With the Wind... 


Never finished either 2001 or Apocalypse Now as both bored me to tears.

Gone With The Wind, The Piano, Shindler's List, The shining, Debbie does Dallas, American Pie too many other to mention.

I put off seeing Shawshank redemption and the Green Mile for years thinking they were totally different film... god call. They both come highly recomended by me.

I won't mention Tarantino films as violent as they mostly are I've loved them all. 

No Godfathers either

*good call

fun fact: Leonard Rossiter (Rigsby) was in 2001.

I know what you mean about 2001 Mozz it is pretty dull but there are some good parts. I love the whole HAL/Dave interaction and of course. The Docking scene to the Blue Danube is a classic.

The Quiet Man.

A Night to Remember.

Angels With Dirty Faces.

Forty Thousand Horsemen.

fun fact: Leonard Rossiter (Rigsby) was in 2001.


The problem is Tora, that all the HAL/David stuff is towards the end of the film, and I never made it through the first two-thirds! Maybe I should just start it 1½ hours in.

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