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The Prince Across The Water.

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sandyRoe | 07:23 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
35 Answers

Will you join me on Sunday in a birthday toast to Harry?

The 40th is a bit of a milestone, and even though he's a bit of a wayward son, I'm sure his papa and step mother will have him in their thoughts on his special day.



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I very much doubt if you'll get many taking you up on your offer here Sandy.

I would join you in a toast if every last one of them was 'across the water'..  

Toast him on an open fire maybe🙄

He's never remembered MY birthday!

He's been given space and time to reflect and ponder in what his wife tells hime he should think.

Still, at least he's not Andrew.

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I never thought of AB as a hotbed of republicanism, brimming over with anti monarchists.

I live and learn.

He's a very silly (40 year old) boy. I hope at least a couple of his family send him a message. I'm starting to feel quite sorry for the lad. 

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There's something in what you say.  He had a role here in the UK but now he's like a lost man child.  

I'm reminded more and more of the Duke of Windsor 

Don't recalling him ever toasting me.


Or was that a typo, did you mean roasts ?

sandy - I guess there are at least as many republicans as royalists on AB. Starmer sez the hereditary principle is unfitting for the HoL. Next step is getting an elected head of state.


No I wont.

But of course he wants privacy so why put yourself in the news again

Yes, I'll join you in a birthday toast.  He has more guts than the rest of the wimps put together.  Go Harry.

No point in him bor anyone else marking his birthdays.  He'll never grow up.

Oh Naomi, showing your true colours here.  Bet you'd celebrate Nailedit's and Abbeylee's birthdays?

Didn't  have his address, so couldn't send him a card.

Was going to pop a fiver in as well.

Maggiebee, I don't like liars.

Hahahahaha Naomi, that's rich even from you.

Maggiebee, I won't ask what your problem is.  I know.

"HI'm reminded more and more of the Duke of Windsor"  No, he may have worn the nazi uniform, but Harry is no Duke of Windsor.  Hope he has a happy birthday, and being the very private couple they are will no doubt be having an extremely low-key private celebration at home.

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