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Spectator 2671

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solidair123 | 20:05 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

I need help with these clues :-

15a Geordie washes down muddy Sandy without a bit of soap - s??ds

25a Come now and drink with HMRC'S man (2,2)  g? ?o

7d Triumphant times vet dies (1,4)  v da??

21d .....needing a more substantial job ?e?i?r



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15a is obscure dialect - anag ('muddy') of SANDY + S(oap).

25a GO can be food or drink according to Chambers (add the initials of a revenue/customs man on the end).

7d is a sort of English translation for 'V et dies'(Latin) but removing 'et'/and from the answer.

21d Take 'a' from a word meaning beefier.

For 15a you need to remove the 'a' from the anag material ''without a''.

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Many thanks for your help. Finished now!

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