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douglas9401 | 20:44 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
6 Answers

Looks like their 22% pay rise came just in time.

Unless the sky isn't actually falling (again).



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In some twisted way it would be interesting to see how Starmer & co. would cope with a similar pandemic to that with which Boris was faced.

One wonders what the new letters in the name stands for.

And whether it'll outcompete flu this winter.

It sounds as if this was on the cards before they got elected so they should be able to tell us where the money is going to come from to pay for it.  Probably from our pensions again and blame the black hole for it, you know the one that gets bigger every day because of the money they keep giving out.  How long before they bankrupt us.

"How long before they bankrupt us."

The country is alredy bankrupt. It owes more money that it can ever hope to repay and has outgoings that considerably exceed its income. Any individual in that situation would face bankruptcy.

They kept saying about the £15 an hour basic but how many of them were actually on that amount.  In many jobs weekend and night work is included in the wage as you are expected to work them but doctors class that as doing extra.

Basic is surely for newcomers straight out of university and with real practice to learn. So very few I'd suspect.

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