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Do I Invite Other Friend Out?

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abbeylee90 | 21:31 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
11 Answers

Me and my friend are going out Friday to m&c and cinema but I just wondered if I should invite my friend who I mentioned doesn't bother with me on another thread.



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If she doesn't bother with you, I wouldn't bother with her Abby.

Question Author

I'll leave it then unless my friend asks her.

No harm in asking.

no dont bother with the non-bothering friend

( my friend and I, my friend and I....)

Why would you want to after the things you've said about her?

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So she didn't say where was her invite?


Abbey, you seem to be just writing down things that come into your head, it's hard to know what you mean! Who were you asking ('So she didn't say...')? 

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I mean incase she seen we were out and asks why she wasn't invited but I'll leave it.

-- answer removed --

scorpioj- you asked "Why would you want to after the things you've said about her?"

 Abbey's garbled post at 22:02 is her reply to you. She meant something along the lines of  "So she doesn't ask why she wasn't invited".

Abbey often uses the wrong tense, omits words like "Is" and says things like "she seen" instead of she saw. It may be English isn't her first language or her style just reflects her learning difficulties she has told us about. I'm getting more used to it now and more often than not manage to convert what she has said into what I think she really meant. She strikes me as someone who is lonely and needs help and can only find support here. I know some (like the removed answer above) dismiss her as a troll or click generator but I think Abbey desperately needs support- ideally from professionals and family, but we can help too.

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Do I Invite Other Friend Out?

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